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   soledad arias 

artist statement

I am interested exploring the sense of dislocation that I experience when driving along the same routes day-in and day-out, punctuated by a haphazard awareness of the usually unnoticed.  The urban / suburban infrastructure I see is pervasive and invasive, yet invisible. It mirrors a Western culture obsessed with mobility and convenience, security and order. 


 We use sameness to provide predictability and comfort. Sometimes I slip over the edge, past this point of comfort.  I feel no sense of place and in a strange way that disrupts my sense of self.  I work to transform these disjointed memories of an anonymous landscape into a study of presence and absence, of dislocation and intense focus.



Austin, Texas


Painting, printmaking, design, photography, mixed media

collaborative interests

My 'wait-scape' series is a continuation of my investigation of in-between situations and conditions characterized by dislocation, uncertainty and the dissolution of ties and relationships. I capture my reference material where ever people are forced to wait;  airports, bus stops, the department of motor vehicles, and waiting rooms.


Back in my studio I edit the digital photos to remove the background, and then build compositions of figures isolated from others and from self.  Some areas are left unpainted to echo discontinuities in my perception. The final works are often multi-panel pieces where figures recede into empty space, repeating and shifting, all waiting for something

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